Rick Riordan Short Stories

Although Rick Riordan made his name writing several bestselling novels, he’s also published many short stories.

To ensure that you don’t miss out on anything that he’s written, we’ve produced a list of his short stories below. The title of each one links to a page where you can find the following information:

  • Its date of publication
  • Which book it’s part of (where applicable)
  • A description of the story
  • An image of the book’s cover
  • A link to the story on Amazon so that you can read reviews or get a copy for yourself

We also have a separate list with all these and Riordan’sĀ full-length novels in order.

Rick Riordan Short Stories

  1. Percy Jackson And The Stolen Chariot
  2. Percy Jackson And The Bronze Dragon
  3. Percy Jackson And The Sword Of Hades
  4. The Diary Of Luke Castellan
  5. Percy Jackson And The Staff Of Hermes
  6. Leo Valdez And The Quest For Buford
  7. Son Of Magic
  8. The Son Of Sobek
  9. Percy Jackson And The Singer Of Apollo
  10. The Staff Of Serapis
  11. The Crown Of Ptolemy
  12. The Two-Headed Guidance Counselor
  13. The Library Of Deadly Weapons
  14. My Demon Satyr Tea Party
  15. My Personal Zombie Apocalypse
  16. The Cursed Carnival And Other Calamities